Monday, January 16, 2012


I started off my morning with my favorite: GREEN TEA. I am sure we all know the benefits of green tea as it's drilled in our heads since we were born (well, not exactly, but close ahah). I remember working at Tim Hortons and always telling my manager: "In order to have a beautiful day, you must drink green tea!" and when this green tea was free..I would have 4-5 cups at work within my eight hour day! I kind of miss those days..

I started my morning off light. Well, afternoon since I did not wake up until 1pm. I drove around with my grandma for a bit then stopped at Wegmans to pick up a banana and my post-workout lunch. I just had my pre-workout lunch of banana and peanut butter. I love chopping up bananas and mixing it with peanut butter to give me the ultimate protein meal that fuels me to go! After, I'll have my tuna wrap on a spinach wrap.

But, for now..I am off to the gym! I would love to take the spinning class today but it's my boyfriends birthday and I'm lucky I am even getting him to go to the gym! 

(found on tumblr) 

Have a great, and green tea beautiful day :). 

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