Saturday, January 14, 2012

COMPLICATIONS: 01.14.2012: 11:47AM. 

One of the hardest challenges while being on a diet is friends. Friends can be your worse diet enemy or your best friend. In my case, worse enemy. Last night, I was hanging out with my boyfriend and one of my best friends. For dinner, we made amazing eggplant sandwiches:

We saw the recipe on The Chew. But, we decided to alter it a bit. This sandwich consists of: 

- 2 eggplant slices
- 1 slice of red onion
- 1 slice of tomato 
- 2 slices of low fat provolone (this could be changed to one slice. my boyfriend just put two slices then told me after- wah) 

-1 eggwash 
- 1/4 cup of whole wheat bread crumbs. 

Then you assemble all the pieces, bake for 30 mins on 300 degrees. Then bam. A beautiful dish all ready to go. We garnished the sandwiches with basil and drizzled balsamic vinegar. It was so delicious and vegetarian. (I try to have more vegetarian dinners than meat dishes). 

I ate two of those for dinner and after that I was full! However, my friend and my boyfriend was not. After dinner, shopping, and talking for a bit around 9'oclock they wanted to go to the hot dog restaurant down the street. They begged me to go. I told them no over and over but they would not give up. 

It is so hard to be the only one on the diet while everyone around you is not. It is as if you feel the universe is fighting with you to stop your diet. One line from my friend was: "It's okay to cheat. It's one hot dog. It's not going to hurt you". However, that one hot dog will alter my entire diet. I say this because that one slip up will create more cravings of that certain type of food that will put me on square one. 

The goal is just to not listen to that little devil on my shoulder, and make my friends understand that this is my lifestyle and to accept it. I have to stay strong. I want this more than anything. 

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